Delphine Rama's work can be associated with the artistic movement of geometric abstraction. The painted surfaces, largely open, are combined with a formal language in which the architectural dimension are essential. In her latest artworks, she explores the concept of dissonance in human behaviour. Her series of artwork attempts to represent the vibrational movements of the body when it is exposed to high frequencies or the complete absence of sound. The paintings visually translate physical and mental symptoms that become identical in these two extreme frequency levels.
Delphine Rama was born in Liege, Belgium in 1988. Her work has been exhibited internationally.


June 2024
La collaboration de ces trois artistes plasticiennes a débuté sur le partage de plans d’expériences. C’est l’histoire de diverses rencontres avec des événements synchronistiques. Ces rencontres ont été marquées par des matériaux industriels perdus dans une nature proche. Un paysage familier le long des bassins liégeois. Ces échanges contrastés entre une végétation qui s’infiltre et le souvenir d’une industrie si lourde ont porté de tels degrés de signifiance pour ces trois artistes que leurs oeuvres s’en trouvent imbibées. Elles viennent alors traduire ce concept de « synchronicité » issu de la psychologie analytique de Jung par un univers poétique qui débute, comme souvent chez ses patients, dans un rationalisme cartésien et progresse vers une compréhension plus humaine du monde. Ces émotions profondes seront présentées tout d’abord par des travaux personnels sur toiles, avec une discussion entre des visions géométriques qui traduisent la logique et des formes expressionnistes qui racontent l’homme et le végétal. Ensuite, par des installations qui viendront enliser ces deux pôles et explorer les effets de la perception visuelle en travaillant sur les notions de lumière, d’espace et de mouvement. Une manière de méditer sur des images et des symboles, abandonnés par le bon sens, mais qui trouvent un écho signifiant chez son créateur. Quelles traces ces objets laissent-ils derrière eux ? Que nous disent-ils sur notre fragilité ? Dans le cadre de cette exposition, ces artistes proposent un regard singulier sur un environnement bousculé par le temps et dont les composantes peuvent jouer comme des miroirs sur notre existence. Cette collaboration entre ces trois artistes liégeoises France Feltz, Vanessa Cao et Delphine Rama, occupera les locaux de la Galerie Centrale pour une expérience émotionnelle intitulée: SYNCHRONICITE .
January 2022
Since opening in 2015, National Gallery Singapore has established itself as one of Asia’s premier cultural institutions, housing the world’s largest public collection of Singaporean and Southeast Asian modern art. Phillips is proud to support the museum in its upcoming 2022 Gallery Benefit.
The event is National Gallery Singapore’s main fundraising benefit and brings together a community of like-minded artists, individuals, collectors and patrons for an evening of lively discussion and art appreciation.
Janvier 2022
A N T I N O D E S is a visual art exhibition that presents the progressions of urban art styles in Singapore as artists encounter the waves of changes resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Banding together to debut new works and narratives, seven multi-hyphenate artists - Kiat, KRINGE, Didier ‘Jaba’ Mathieu, triumvirate Metamo Industries and Delphine Rama, emerge with new perspectives on the way they create and think about their very own artmaking, paving the way for new transformational paths for their multivarious practices that span several disciplines.
This interdisciplinary exhibition maps the connections between these artists from diverse backgrounds, and in a refreshing take, encompasses within their works street culture, music, architecture, technology, fashion and spirituality.
December 2021
The artists explore the fantasy and free-spirited feeling of nature in an enclosed environment. Exploring from within the wildness of nature through organic materials and artistic practices genuinely and playfully reinvented. Ceramic art, engraved leather, ink abstract art and collages are dialoguing and revealing dream paths through the vision of artists from different backgrounds.
May 2021
Cuturi gallery is proud to present a duo exhibition, Quantum Supremacy, by painter, Delphine Rama (b. 1988, Belgian) and internationally renowned mural artist, Didier JABA Mathieu (b. 1974, Colombian). The exhibition comprises 15 artworks that provoke the viewer to question this piece of technology that plays a vital role in the construction of the social perception. The works are conceived in a spatio-temporal language that narrate and give form to what differentiates man from computers.
January 2021
When we are unsure of what’s happening to the world around us, we look towards other sources for some sort of confirmation. Be it through the daily news reporting or simply using social media to be updated of events, we are bombarded with information from everywhere and oftentimes we do not have the time or even energy to process these surging emotions that spawn out from this newfound knowledge. Art then becomes pivotal in helping us to comprehend these difficult times. In a series of artwork curated by Marina Oechsner de Coninck, 12 female artists are invited to share their experimental stories during the Circuit Breaker earlier this year. From paints to sculptures, The Call Of The Sea is an initiatory exploration into the creative process of these artists as they use multidisciplinary practices to actualise these contemplative and raw art pieces.
Below is an exclusive interview with the exhibition’s curator, Marina Oechsner de Coninck on The Call Of The Sea.
November 2020
We are delighted to present Delphine Rama’s first solo exhibition at Cuturi Gallery: The Third Force. The work of this young Belgian artist is constantly evolving, as she experiments and pushes the boundaries of her own artistic expression. For this exhibition, Delphine explores the human psychology and the uniqueness of the individual through challenges.
October 2020
Cuturi Gallery is delighted to present its first group exhibition in its brand-new home at 61 Aliwal Street. The new gallery is nestled in a conservation shophouse of 400 sqm, standing in Singapore’s vibrant arts and cultural precinct of Bras Basah.Bugis, home to a myriad of independent art spaces and museums. Spread across three levels, the ground floor is dedicated to the gallery’s exhibition spaces, with the remaining levels housing multi-functional art spaces.
New Beginnings, which will occupy the ground floor of the gallery, will highlight the works of 12 emerging visual artists based in Singapore. This exhibition celebrates the vibrancy and diversity of the Singapore art scene.
July 2020
As part of the gallery’s summer presentation, Cuturi Gallery is pleased to present a group exhibition showcasing an eclectic mix of artists, whose artistic practices span mixed media, sculpture and painting. Featured artists comprise Darryl Westly, Delphine Rama, Gaël Davrinche, Gioele Amaro, Hubert Le Gall, Lionel Sabatté, Li Tianbing, Liu Ling, Odelia Tang, and Romain Bernini.
December 2019
Nous vous convions à venir découvrir cette exposition collective qui répond au nom de "Love by any means". C'est notre quatrième édition et on est de retour dans la région qui nous a vu naître.
Nos emblématiques artistes musiciens se feront un malin plaisir de vous faire surfer sur des vagues musicales insolites lors du vernissage le samedi 08/02 à 16h et la clôture de l'exposition le samedi 15/02 à 16h.
September 2018
Le superbe Palais d'Arlon (ancien Palais de justice) situé en plein centre de la ville d'Arlon n'est pas uniquement un lieu de mise en valeur du patrimoine local. Il est connu aujourd'hui comme un pôle culturel qui a acccueilli des expositions de prestige comme Henri MATISSE et Marc CHAGALL, et tout récemment Jean-Michel FOLON. Prochainement, Henri de TOULOUSE-LAUTREC sera mis à l'honneur.
Événement incontournable de cet été 2018, l'exposition internationale intitulée «LA BOITE DE PANDORE» rassemblera les oeuvres de près de 60 créateurs belges et étrangers. internationaux.